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Solar Panel Charger

Ablemail Solar Chargers use solar cells to charge secondary/auxiliary batteries when the vehicle alternator is not available /running . The AMS chargers have MPPT tracking and have a low standby current to ensure the maximum energy is extracted from the sun and stored in the storage battery , The Ablemail charger contains an up converter so can be located a long way from the charging source and is thus suited for Caravans , HGV trailers, horseboxes boats and many off Grid applications .The capabilities of the AMC charger which are incorporated into the AMS charger also mean that the AMS…

Ablemail Solar Chargers use solar cells to charge secondary/auxiliary batteries when the vehicle alternator is not available /running . The AMS chargers have MPPT tracking and have a low standby current to ensure the maximum energy is extracted from the sun and stored in the storage battery , The Ablemail charger contains an up converter so can be located a long way from the charging source and is thus suited for Caravans , HGV trailers, horseboxes boats and many off Grid applications .The capabilities of the AMC charger which are incorporated into the AMS charger also mean that the AMS is suited to operating with the latest Euro5 and Euro 6 vehicles which incorporate Stop / Start , Smart Alternator and Regenerative Braking.

Features included are:

  • All units are simple to install;
  • Compact;
  • No forced cooling fans required;
  • Rugged design for arduous operating conditions and long life ;
  • Wide range of current and voltage ranges;
  • Outstanding reliability with a life-time guarantee.

Ablemail have a range of Solar products that provide currents from 15A to 30A for 12V and 24V applications    .

The multistage charging regime is configured for lead acid, but the cycle can easily be reprogrammed to fit specific batteries (including Lithium Iron) or a customer specification. See software interface.pdf which explains the settings that can be set as standard. Ablemail technical will happily discuss implementation of settings outside the standard.

An AMT12-12 Trickle charger can be added to charge the vehicle/primary battery from the solar input .

There are many bespoke products in production that interface with the chargers to allow a full power management system to be produced using Ablemail products so if you cannot see a product for power management please contact technical support for more information on our support product.

Solar Panel Charger

Product Image
Product Name
Part Number
Input Voltage
Output Voltage
No Load Input Current
Output Load Current
Solar panel charger image AMS24-12-30 AMS24-12-30 24V nominal (20-32V) 12V 4mA @ 24V input 30A Non-isolated
Solar panel charger image AMS24-24-30 AMS24-24-30 24V nominal (20-32V) 24V 4mA @ 24V input 30A Non-isolated
Solar panel charger image AMS12-24-15 AMS12-24-15 12V nominal (10-15V) 24V 2mA @12V Input 12A Non-isolated
Solar panel charger image AMS12-12-30 AMS12-12-30 12V nominal (10-15V) 12V 2mA @12V Input 30A Non-isolated