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Trickle Chargers

A Trickle Charger has many names , Battery Maintainer, Battery Master ,Battery Saver, Reverse Charger, Top Up Charger, Battery Equaliser, but its purpose is to keep a Source / Vehicle Battery charged & protected from damage during prolonged periods of Vehicle, Boat & Motorhome inactivity or storage. The charger feeds a low current into the Source Battery to compensate for self discharge, alarm & tracker loads while ensuring the charge of the Auxiliary / Leisure Battery is maintained.

A Trickle Charger has many names , Battery Maintainer, Battery Master ,Battery Saver, Reverse Charger, Top Up Charger, Battery Equaliser, but its purpose is to keep a Source / Vehicle Battery charged & protected from damage during prolonged periods of Vehicle, Boat & Motorhome inactivity or storage. The charger feeds a low current into the Source Battery to compensate for self discharge, alarm & tracker loads while ensuring the charge of the Auxiliary / Leisure Battery is maintained.

Trickle Chargers

Product Image
Product Name
Part Number
Input Voltage
Output Voltage
No Load Input Current
Output Load Current
AMT12-2 Trickle Charger AMT12-2 Trickle Charger charges Vehicle Battery from Leisure Battery with Solar Charger /Mains Hookup or only a Secondary Battery AMT12-2 12V nominal (10-15V) 12V 2mA 2A None
AMC12-12-15A Image AMT24-24-5 Trickle Charger charges Vehicle Battery from Leisure Battery with Solar Charger /Mains Hookup or even only a Secondary Battery AMT24-24-5 24V nominal (20-32V) 24V 2mA 5A None
AMC12-12-15A Image AMT24-12 Trickle Charger charges Vehicle Battery from Leisure Battery with Solar Charger /Mains Hookup or even only a Secondary Battery AMT24-12 24V nominal (20-32V) 12V 2mA 5A None
AMC12-12-15A Image AMT12-24-5 Trickle Charger charges Vehicle Battery from Leisure Battery with Solar Charger /Mains Hookup or even only a Secondary Battery AMT12-24-5 12V nominal (10-15V) 24V 2mA 5A None
AMC12-12-15A Image AMT12-12-5 Trickle Charger charges Vehicle Battery from Leisure Battery with Solar Charger /Mains Hookup or even only a Secondary Battery AMT12-12-5 12V nominal (10-15V) 12V 2 mA 5A None